Thursday, December 2, 2010

Enlightened Thought

Enlightened Thought

All that we are is the
result of what we have
thought. If a man speaks
or acts with an evil
thought, pain follows
him. If a man speaks or
acts with a pure thought,
happiness follows him,
like a shadow that
never leaves him.

- Gautama Buddha

The thinker is the
thought. We would like it
to be different so that the
thinker may explain the
things to himself by
means of the thought.

- J Krishnamurti

Since you alone are
responsible for your
thoughts, only you can
change them. You will
want to change them
when you realise that
each thought creates
according to its own
nature... Therefore, start
now to think only those
thoughts that will bring
you health and happiness.

- Paramahansa Yogananda

Enlightenment means
rising above thought, not
falling back to a level
below thought, the level
of an animal or a plant.

- Eckhart Tblle

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