Monday, December 6, 2010

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in Conversation with Kavita Chhibber on the Pakistan Crisis

Such tragedies will happen as long as people do not raise their voice against injustice. The military has ruled Pakistan even when there were so called civilian governments, and they have created the fear of foreign infiltration even when there may have been none just to add to their own coffers and keep the nation’s attention away from their doings. Now, after this tragedy when the lone charismatic voice rising on the Pakistan horizon in favor of democracy has been silenced there is grave concern that there will either be pretence of democracy or Pakistan will go back to where it was earlier. This assassination is the result of the way the nation is being ruled. When you rear a pack of hounds in your background, someday when they are hungry they will bite you as well.

The people of Pakistan need to understand that unless they unite and try and create an active democracy, the conditions won’t change. India must extend whatever help it can. Both countries should realize that the bomb that explodes across the border will have repercussions on both sides. The terrorist knows no boundaries, no borders, and if you want peace in your own nation, you must take care of your surroundings as well. Things have been out of hand in Pakistan for a while now and sadly this is a consequence. The common man is not part of political intrigues and the love people from Pakistan give Indians is well documented. I remember going to the UN building for a conference a few years ago and I happened to take a ride in a cab that was driven by a Pakistani. The moment he heard I was from India he refused to let me pay, even though this is a man who is on daily wages to make ends meet.

I would hope for a united south Asian subcontinent like the European Union, where you can go across Europe without seeing barriers of any kind. Every country in South Asia can retain its cultural identity but in terms of business and things of strategic importance everyone should focus on everyone’s well being and take care of the common man. My concern is that Pakistan may fragment even more because of the severe disparity in terms of the haves and the have nots

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